Sunday, December 21, 2014

Benefits of Clementines

Seriously Rose, clementines? is probably what your thinking.

But yes, I am sitting here, writing a whole blog post dedicated to clementines because it's Clementine season, and who doesn't like clementines? (Unless you're allergic) Also because I'm bored and have nothing better to do.

Since it's almost Winter, I thought it would only be appropriate to talk about them because they're one of my favorite fruits in the Winter. Clementines are so easy to just toss in your bag for a little snack on the go.

Not only do I love how delicious they taste, and how easy packable they are, but they are also very beneficial to your health.

- Rich in vitamin C
- High potassium
- Includes beta-carotene, a form of vitamin A; good for your eyes, skin, and heart.
- Stress reflief 

And apparently it helps with losing weight (which I don't need btw), and relieves stress (#need).

Click here for this amazing recipe
(btw, this is not my recipe and not my picture)

Rose Chisholm

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Zoella's Book: Girl Online

This is not a book review, just a I'm-so-proud-of-Zoe-for-writing-a-book. 

Shout out to Zoe Sugg or Zoella as you might know her as, for creating Girl Online. Even though she probably won't ever see this, I just wanted to say that I'm super duper proud of her for writing a book. She's inspires so many to create blogs and youtube channels (and ovbs more).

Even though I haven't met her in real life, it feels like I know her so well. Mainly because she's so positive, outgoing, and willing to share what's happening about her life shown in vlogs, with the whole entire world. Even how she suffers with anxiety attacks, and let's everyone know they're not alone.

I started this blog because of Zoe, without her blog or youtube channel, you would't be reading this. Also I created a youtube account, but I haven't posted any videos yet so uh... yeah (link below)

Okay Rose, let's actually get onto the book part. Anyways, I'm so happy I bought it, and am very excited to read it. In fact, after writing this blog post, I'm probably going to put on my fuzzy pj bottoms and drink tea and just read it.

The front cover

And the back (cover?)

And yet another shoutout to PointlessBlog (Alfie Deyes/Zoe's boyfriend) for creating his super cool book The Pointless Book, (He also, probably won't ever see this) where he includes activities for on the go, and really anywhere. There's even an app for it, and it's FREE in the app store. Unfortunelely I didn't get it, but it's definetely going on my Christmas list.

If you guys want to purchase their book you can by clicking on the links below. If you live in the UK, I'm assuming to just go to the nearest book store and you'll most likely see it there. But for viewers or people who just want it (US) because it's awesome, click the link below. Or you can just buy them at Barnes and Nobles like I did :) 

Zoella (Zoe Sugg): Girl Online

PointlessBlog (Alfie Deyes): The Pointless Book -

Rose Chisholm

Friday, November 21, 2014

Makeup Expiration Dates

Little did I know, in fact I didn't know at all that all makeup have expiration dates. But then again, I guess I haven't really thought about it. I just wanted to share this with you because it is very important to replace your makeup regularly. The bacteria build up can cause problems for your face such as breakouts. You could also get sick.

Remember, you don't have to toss your favorite moisturizer or under eye concealer exactly on the 720th day (2 years) you've had it. This is just an accurate guess, if that makes sense. click where you can find an even more accurate expiration date. 

I did not create this chart (that's why it says ELLE at the bottom).*

If you would like to read the full article, click below (or copy n' paste)

Rose Chisholm

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Free Money?

Free Money? Couldn't sound better, could it? Well, it's true you can easily earn money online and on the go by doing simple tasks such as taking surveys to scanning barcodes. Even thought it's not hard, it is time consuming, so don't quit your job thinking this will make millions, because it won't. Technically, this money isn't really "free" because your not being handed or sent it directly, but like any other job, you are working towards it. So yes, I guess you can say I (or anyone who signs up and completes the tasks) have a totally unofficial unjoblike job as possible.

You're probably thinking why would they just give out money? Companies reply on your feedback to create new and improved products and services, so taking polls/surveys about your lifestyle and personal experience with products/brands/services will help contribute to the developement of products.

When you sign up, you all get your own personal link so you can refer a friend and get $1 for each of the first five friends who sign up.
Below is my link if you are a kind person and would like to help me, please click the link below.

Other apps that can earn you money are:
- Checkpoints
- App trailers
- Surveys on the Go

  Rose Chisholm aka 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Book Review!

Looking for Alaska by John Green.
Rose Chisholm

Written by the famous John Green, Looking for Alaska is a two part contemporary novel in the perspective of a teenage boy named Miles Halter. Miles life is boring, anything but the life he wants, so he goes to Culver Creek, a private boarding school because he is looking for an adventurous life, filled with excitement, also known as seeking a “Great Perhaps.” 

He meets this attractive gorgeous girl named Alaska Young who, also attends Culver Creek, who is an absolute prankstar. She loves anything from being silly to exploring new things. Although her life is complicated and confusing, she appears to be bubbly most of the time. Alaska has a boyfriend named Jake, but she claims that whenever they talk or communicate, they just fight over little things. Overtime, not only does Miles and Alaska’s friendship strengthen, but they become close, and Miles falls in love with Alaska. The question is, does she love him back? He starts to wonder that since his love for Alaska is inevitable, she might be the answer to his “Great Perhaps.” 

This was an interesting read. Since I usually read more of the happy ever after type books rather than realistic fiction. I’m use to a different material and writing style rather than a book that’s more relatable and realistic. Overall, I’ve enjoyed reading Looking for Alaska, but it’s not my favorite book written by John Green that I’ve read so far. Honestly, I’m not a huge book worm, but the books that I really get into, are the ones whose vacuum cleaner switch is on. The ones that suck me into their life and the ones I get to live on from there. The ones I can read almost nonstop, but I continued to read this throughout a whole month which isn’t great. This book however, had the vacuum cleaner unplugged because it didn’t do any of that. 

I recommend this book to those who are also looking for a “Great Perhaps” something interesting to add in your life. It’s a love story with a twist that starts slow, then leaves your jaw dropped at the end. This books compares love and death, and questions what is the meaning of life. It made me realize that searching for a better life can make you feel really good about yourself, but painis included. Everyone is so focused on the future that they don’t even enjoy the moment their in. 

If your looking for a better written review, check out my link, which leads you to other peoples reviews as well.


Monday, September 1, 2014

Mini School Supplies Haul

The summer has come to an end, and by that I mean time for you know what. Unfortunately this toxicatted thing called "school" will ruin my blog life (not that I had one to begin with). This only means one thing. SHOPPING. When it comes to back to school shopping, I love getting the supplies. I don't know why, but I just do. This is definitely NOT all the supplies I have for school. But a mini haul for new supplies.

Last years pencil case was packed full, so this year I'm going to attempt to keep it limited. I'm going to add more things eventually, but this is what I have this moment.
In my pencil case, I keep:
- three highlighters
- scientific calculator
- Japanese eraser (monkey)
- one black pen
- one blue pen
- one pink own
- two clear point mechanical pencils.
- lead
- baby lips (quench) 
- two pencils
- one multicolored pencils
- one ruler

I had over twelve binders before I purchased these, but unfortunately they weren't the size I needed. The yellow binder is for science and is 1 1/2 inch. And the pink one is 1 inch. 

I knew I wanted this for a while now when I saw it one the website. It is the small agenda in the jellyfish design. I wanted the large agenda at first, but then realized since I'm an overpacked, this is a good size to make room for other things.

As you can see there is not an iPad in this photo. But this is a cute case I found for the iPad Air I am soon getting. (iPad airs are required for my school)

Overview of all my school supplies I got. And yes these photos are taken on my porch. 

Comment below when your school starts/stared.


Sunday, August 31, 2014

Healthy Banana Smoothie Recipe


This is one of my all time favorite smoothies. Whenever I make this delicious banana smoothie, I always make it in the big blender rather than my personal one because I usually end up drinking it all. My personal blender is a blender but you can make it in a cup and then drink out of that cup. 
 Healthy Banana Smoothie recipe:
- 2 cups of milk
- 3 ice cubs
- 2 bananas (cut up into pieces)
- 1/2 cup of plain natural yogurt
- 1 tbsp of honey
- 2 scoops of vanilla ice-cream (optional)
- 1 tsp of cinnamon.

And then blend away. This isn't my recipe, I actually found this online by googling a banana smoothie recipe because I personally love bananas and smoothies, so I decided to make a banana smoothie. The you-tuber who made this makes many other smoothies that look delicious. 

Anyways, I would like to try some new smoothies because this one is so delicious. 
It's: The Smoothie Channel
Make sure you go and subscribe because you won't regret it.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

First blog post

I have recently became obsessed with wanted to start a blog of my own, and I hope this doesn't get boring quick (Or at all). I thought it was appropriate to start a blog at 12:23 am, so that's why I'm here typing away.